average or curvey (I don’t check off volumtuous even though some consider that the same as curvey, because some people use it as nice way of saying fat). I am about a size 14, and if I put a little extra, they might think that I am much heavier then I look like in my picuture. Also I don’t mind dating a larger man, so I do not think my weight, which is not that heavy to begin with, should Audult Friend Finder am typing to. I actually met a guy who is now nick-named ‘Psycho Bob’. It isn’t only the females that have to be monitored!! I ask a lot of questions as that is how I get to know someone, especially if they are a man of few words, therefore, I also get the ‘Read Delete’ a lot. Go figure! If you guys don’t like playing 20 questions, write more about yourself or at least converse more in your Audult Friend Finder one cancelled a meeting the same day we had scheduled, and promptly disappeared, never returning a phone call or email to me ever again. The other was OK, but it didn’t work out, because I thought she represented herself completely differently (even in person) until she thought we had a thing going. That’s going to happen, of course, and I’m not trying to blame any one person for anything, Audult Friend Finder Audult Friend Finder
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