average or curvey (I don’t check off volumtuous even though some consider that the same as curvey, because some people use it as nice way of saying fat). I am about a size 14, and if I put a little extra, they might think that I am much heavier then I look like in my picuture. Also I don’t mind dating a larger man, so I do not think my weight, which is not that heavy to begin with, should Audult Friend Finder am typing to. I actually met a guy who is now nick-named ‘Psycho Bob’. It isn’t only the females that have to be monitored!! I ask a lot of questions as that is how I get to know someone, especially if they are a man of few words, therefore, I also get the ‘Read Delete’ a lot. Go figure! If you guys don’t like playing 20 questions, write more about yourself or at least converse more in your Audult Friend Finder one cancelled a meeting the same day we had scheduled, and promptly disappeared, never returning a phone call or email to me ever again. The other was OK, but it didn’t work out, because I thought she represented herself completely differently (even in person) until she thought we had a thing going. That’s going to happen, of course, and I’m not trying to blame any one person for anything, Audult Friend Finder Audult Friend Finder
Audlt Friend Finder
but most of the men I met on there only met me once and never came back. And no it had nothing to do with the way I acted, I was true to my personality over the phone, prior to meeting, so they did have a feel of how I was. I had recent pictures that did show what my body type looked like. I consider myself average, maybe a bit curvey, but I do not consider myself fat, so I usually put either Audlt Friend Finder 09, 2010 permalink Visit Plentyoffish (Plenty Of Fish) Tom, Too bad you are so far away!! I am on plenty of fish and use it cuz it is TOTALLY FREE!! I too have tried other sites and found the same people. I DO have a sense of humor . . . . You have to if you want to stay sane and keep up with the people in my life. I have met a few wonderful people on POF but am also VERY leary of who I Audlt Friend Finder because “I hunted animals”, which was not true, it happens to be the same box as fishing in the profile list, which I do do, as catch and release). Same person also decided to be flippant about the whole thing rather than serious, which seems to be the trend and the consensus of the majority of the reviewers here, mtyself included. Out of the two people I got as far as getting numbers from, Audlt Friend Finder Audlt Friend Finder
AudAlt Friend Finder
soon) but my membership is ending. But back to what I saw saying, many of the men on there would label themselves as “Culturally Jewish but not practicing” and many did not seem to mind meeting somebody not Jewish, so I figured the people on Christian mingle would be there same way; as I said I have never had a chance to learn that. The other dating sites I have done are match and eharmony, AudAlt Friend Finder THE WORST DATING SITE, I MET FEW AND ALL OF THE WOMAN MOSTLY 95% WHO CANT FIND A MAN AND WHO CANT GET LAID SO BASICALLY ITS A MEAT MARKET , SO IF U LOOKING TO GET LAID ITS NUMBER ONE SITE BUT FOR SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP U WILL BE LUCKY TO FIND A DECENT WOMAN WITHOUT DRAMA AND ISSUES ….SORRY FOR caps but this site deserve it …. Reviewed By Debbie Montana Sex Female Rating ***** Date August AudAlt Friend Finder for a fact there are women out there who say they want a “long term relationship”, but are already in one! Out of hundreds of profiles (I even went out of state), I got 1 direct ignore reply, and of the rest, some hadn’t updated their profiles or logged in in ages, the majority never replied to my emails, and one misinterpreted what I checked off in my profile (she would not consider a date AudAlt Friend Finder AudAlt Friend Finder
parents and that I would meet as long as he would agree to taking things slowly, he suddenly decided he wanted somebody born Jewish. Now I am planing to meet one nice man from jdate (however he might just meet me once like many other men I have met from online. I hope he read my profile thoroughtly enough to know I am not Jewish, as we never had a chance to discuss that, and we are meeting AsultFriendFinder maybe twice and meet for coffee. If they don’t want to meet (they are probably nutcases) move on and don’t waste your time. They’re probably waiting to use their profile in the obituaries. If you think POF sucks maybe you need to change the bait your using! Reviewed By Pino Mclean CANADA Sex Male Rating ***** Date August 09, 2010 permalink Visit Plentyoffish (Plenty Of Fish) I THINK ITS AsultFriendFinder By M MA Sex Male Rating ***** Date September 03, 2004 permalink Visit JDate I was an off again, on again member of JDate for about 2 years, and I will recount my experiences there as a word of caution for those who might consider joining it. I’ve got a wide range of interests and life experiences, and yet 97% of the women I emailed did not respond to me. I must also point out that I know AsultFriendFinder AsultFriendFinder
Asult Friend Finder
I have been on (which is probalby why many of them are on jdate) I spoke to quite a few who did not seem to care. One I was almost going to meet, but he started to act like a jerk over the phone, so I told him I have to go, and decided to refrain from communication with him. Another man asked me to meet right away, which I thought was a little too soon, but when I told him I lived with my Asult Friend Finder night and sometimes the wrong decision. But that’s ok. Its a date not a marriage proposal. On a dating site the people seem to have problems breaking down and actually meeting. The meeting part involves an effort. Remember you can build a fantasy image of the person that you are emailing or IMing and months later you meet and hate each other. The best way to treat a dating site is…. email Asult Friend Finder do AND don’t get with a paid/unpaid membership. AND, they do note on each profile when the last time someone logged in. That should give you an idea if they are a paying member. Until another site gives Jdate some real competition, they will continue to raise their prices. So, what can you do? I’d suggest joining another jewish website or encouraging a geeky friend to create one. Reviewed Asult Friend Finder Asult Friend Finder
I didn’t think everybody was that religious because prior to that I did Jdate, yes you could register and put that you are either wiling, unable, or open to the idea of converting. I talked to a couple of men on there, while many are very religious and even some of the non religous ones do prefer somebody born Jewish, understandably, and more so than the Jewish men on the other dating sites AsdultFriendFinder of fish is just like fishing, its what you put into it and luck. Any dating site has the same problems. Women who are waiting for prince charming and are too picky. Guys just looking for a one night stand. In a real face to face situation a woman or man has to make his or her mind fairly quickly as there is competition (some other chick or guy will say yes), a decision has to be made that AsdultFriendFinder you $$ to see what emails you have received. I, too, was a freeloader and still am except for signing up one month at a time, a few times a year. (Yes, I’ve been on Jdate a few years now-how embarrassing). I’ve come to accept that Jdate is a for profit business and they are out to make money. They have a monopoly and can do whatever they want. In their defense, Jdate does disclose what you AsdultFriendFinder AsdultFriendFinder
Alt Friend Frinder
people on there seem really religious based on there profile. I figured that could just be a respressentation on themselves cause they know they are on a christian site, but I would really have to talk to them to learn that. I put on my profile I am not that religious, figuring, it would attract more men who are more like me in that sense. I am just going to see what happens in a month. Alt Friend Frinder sending me messages that i should be ashamed of myself for being attracted to guys around 25 to 30 years old (im 44)….stuff it right up your wazooo! Block! Heck the younger guys are more mature these days lol. Pof aint so bad as long as you have a sense of humour! Reviewed By Casey Moore USA Sex Male Rating ***** Date August 09, 2010 permalink Visit Plentyoffish (Plenty Of Fish) Plenty Alt Friend Frinder feels almost uncool to admit that I like Jdate. But yes, I do like Jdate. I’ll admit that I’m a guy who is not very outgoing with regard to joining organizations where you can meet people. I meet most of my friends through other friends. The other dating challenge I’ve found is that I’m very comfortable hanging out at home by myself. I agree with everyone who is unhappy with Jdate charging Alt Friend Frinder Alt Friend Frinder
Alt Friend Finder
and I do not even attend church; however I signed on thinking many of the men on there are probably not that religious, but I have never gotten to talk to anybody to even learn that. Furthermore, most of the matches they send me are not suitable. They are too far from me. I put in my match setting that I do not want anybody with kids, yet I get people with kids. Additionally, most of the Alt Friend Finder am i doing something wrong?I dont think im a bad looking guy im honest truthful and have children dont know what these women are looking for believe me ive been in screwed up relationships women need to trust more its even hard for me to trust anymore Reviewed By taylor windsor Sex Female Rating ***** Date August 09, 2010 permalink Visit Plentyoffish (Plenty Of Fish) To the guys that keeps Alt Friend Finder administrators did not remove the member. They removed the profile but all the man had to do was change his user name…. . Jdate is a waste of money. Invest the money in the stock market or make a charitable contribution to St.Jude’s Children’s hospital!! Reviewed By Oy Vey Chicago Sex Male Rating ***** Date September 09, 2004 permalink Visit JDate After reading all the other reviews, it Alt Friend Finder Alt Friend Finder
Aldut Friend Finder
church etc. There are too many predators online! Reviewed By Krissy Long Island Sex Female Rating ***** Date February 25, 2012 permalink Visit ChristianMingle I just paid for a month on Christian mingle and most of the men I write to do not respond, they view me but do not write back, don’t even know if it is cause they are not interested or are not paid members. I am not that religious Aldut Friend Finder I am a nice person..and we are all trying to connect..and they made the effort to contact me Reviewed By jim hazleton Sex Male Rating ***** Date August 09, 2010 permalink Visit Plentyoffish (Plenty Of Fish) ive been on here probably a year now never went on a date yet girls are realy passing good guys up they wont even give a guy a chance not all men are the same got lots of views no messages Aldut Friend Finder in your fifties (him) and have a wacko screen name then you should expect anyone with a brain to question you. ON the other hand ….anyone with a brain probably shouldn’t even answer an ad with a wacko screen name…right? OH well let’s call it a momentary lapse of judgment! But really, the rest of his profile was normal. I’ve reported profiles of men who are actually married and the site Aldut Friend Finder Aldut Friend Finder
in a way I’m glad that I did! Because it was just confirmation that something strange was going on! I’ve never been more weired out! I stoped seeing him the evening I meet his family! He would always comment on how beautiful and sexy I am which lead me to believe that sex was the only thing that he was interested in. I’m kissing online dating goodbye! Try meeting someone through friends,gym, AldultFriendFinder fish..was on for a month..got lots of hits.you can say what age you want to contact you and thats the only ones that can contact you.Went on lots of dates.You gotta have a fun attitude..and I told them I didn’t want sex and most asked me out again.It’s like anything else..I met my current boyfriend on there..it works and I think it beats going to the bar!Oh..and I replied to everyone because AldultFriendFinder they’re married and philandering. Where are the ethics and morals ? Most recently, there was one man…..(only one!) who had a strange screen name (something like mr.underwear) …. I emailed him (via jdate) asking him if he was actually in the business of manufacturing underwear. (I was very polite…and was not insulting). Well..guess what I didn’t hear from him again. I say..if you’re AldultFriendFinder AldultFriendFinder